The Devil’s In the Details For Patriot Prayer

The Devil’s In the Details For Patriot Prayer

WHAT IS PATRIOT PRAYER AND WHAT CAN IT LEARN FROM SAN FRANCISCO SATANISTS? Portland-based right-wing group Patriot Prayer got into a real shitstorm in San Francisco this week. Sometimes it involved real shit. Two weeks after white supremacists murdered a woman in the...
Our Satanic Presidential Roast

Our Satanic Presidential Roast

SIX REASONS WE’RE BURNING DONALD TRUMP In a few days, we’re gathering in a mildly top secret Bay Area location to burn Donald Trump in effigy. February 1 is Imbolc Night, a date for pagan fire festivals. And it borders on Candlemas, which conspiracy assholes...
Pride Is a Sin (Thank god)

Pride Is a Sin (Thank god)

LGBT PRIDE: “SINNING” OUR WAY TO A BETTER WORLD This is LGBT Pride week in San Francisco. And pride, it was recently explained to me, is a sin. This insight came by way of a stranger commenting on a news story about the Orlando club shooting. The argument...