Feel the Burn
Easter Mess: The Transgender Daze of Visibility
Feckless fundies aside, Transgender Day of Visibility dates to 2009, established not by an Irish-Catholic president but by a trans therapist.
Easter Mess: The Guarding of Eden
There’s a certain pain that becomes the only thing you really believe. For Eden Knight, that pain came from one particular place: Her parents.
Easter Mess: Mike Licona’s Multi-Versed Madness
My argument would be something pretty close to Ehrman’s: Briefly, we know Jesus didn’t rise from the dead because that’s FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE.
The True (Lack of) Meaning of Baphomet
There is no one correct Baphomet, because Baphomet is all things that dull minds deem incorrect.
Bapho-met Gala
Despite providing the Daily Baphirmation for going on two years, I don’t actually like or trust positivity that much. Seems like a scam.
Witches Abroad
Urban myths about “human sacrifice” are a millennia-old trope that perpetuates xenophobia and paranoia about dangerous foreign interlopers.
Milking Milk Carton Kids
That Lauren Boebert is wrong isn’t news, as Boebert is wrong about almost everything. The story is why her crank constituency believe her.
Nothing To See Here; What a Nice Day
It’s a nice day; nothing is going on; the Evil Ones are not presently inhabiting anyone’s bodies. These are just the facts.
Not Great, Scott
Conspiracy assholes are obsessing over Travis Scott’s imaginary “Satanic rituals” for a simple reason: They can’t get enough Satanism.
Death Becomes Her
Blockheaded bishops like to compare Mexican and American folk saint Santa Muerte to Satan, but the truth is much, much worse for them.
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