The End of the End of the World

The End of the End of the World

2016 APOCALYPSE CANCELLED, BUT BETTER LUCK NEXT YEAR Well, you’re reading this. That means the advertised 2016 apocalypse didn’t happen on Friday, as scheduled. This latest “End Times” date came by way of an anonymous and rather lazy YouTube channel that marked July...

Transphobic Kooks Declare “Satan Is Transgender”

ON TRANSGENDER RIGHTS; OR AS SATANISTS CALL THEM, “RIGHTS” Transgender men and women can now serve openly in the US military. (Should they for some reason want to.) To rational people, this is unremarkable news. It’s only strange that a contrary...

The Klan’s Christian Racism vs Black Lives Matter

THE KKK BRINGS CHRISTIAN RACISM TO SAN FRANCISCO Is the Bible racist? Well, some local racists say so. The Ku Klux Klan (or maybe just a troll or a lone nut, it’s hard to say) posted fliers door to door in the Haight this week. The archaic hate group called itself an...