Satanist Bible Study: Genesis

Satanist Bible Study: Genesis

The serpent Satan beguiling Eve is the most famous of all myths about the devil–and it never happened. Here’s the annoying reason people believe it anyway.

Nothing New Under the Dumb

Nothing New Under the Dumb

“Belief in Satan is a very old conspiracy theory,” folklorist Bill Ellis says. There is no “new Satanic Panic”: The panic was old when religion was young.

Mounting Dis-Ease

Mounting Dis-Ease

Most of our Bay Area Satanists don’t need to hear this. Most of you would get the vaccine this second even if it meant biting into a cactus like an apple.

Easter Mess: Kosher Devils

Easter Mess: Kosher Devils

Many of the tropes we take for granted about Satanism have roots in anti-Jewish bigotry, although like the appeal of George Burns, they can be hard to place.