by Daniel Walker | Oct 29, 2017
HOW APOSTLE KIMBERLY DANIELS SAVED HALLOWEEN (BY TRYING TO RUIN IT) It’s almost Halloween, when Satanists wake with an extra spring in their step while kooks like Kimberly Daniels give the calendar dour glances. Who is Kimberly Daniels? Well, she’s a...
by Daniel Walker | Oct 22, 2017
ST JAMES INFIRMARY: THE ONLY SAINT SATANISTS ENDORSE On October 28 we’re hosting a screening of The Witch at San Francisco’s Vogue Theater as a fundraiser for St James Infirmary. Note that St James Infirmary is not named after the Catholic Saint James....
by Daniel Walker | Oct 15, 2017
THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR: WHAT FAKE SATANISTS TEACH US ABOUT REAL ZEALOTS It was October 13 (a Friday) in 1307 when France’s King Philip IV arrested the Knights Templar as heretics, burning or imprisoning most of them. It’s another Friday the 13th in October as...
by Daniel Walker | Oct 8, 2017
JEFF SESSIONS MEMO SAYS: “GOD” MATTERS MORE THAN YOUR RIGHTS On Friday, a Jeff Sessions memo ordered the federal government to find god. And then to go ahead and find everyone’s basic rights too, but only if there’s time. You may remember that...
by Daniel Walker | Oct 1, 2017
TAKE A KNEE: THE NFL’s SATANIC AMERICAN EXAMPLE You don’t need anybody’s approval to take a knee during the national anthem. That’s the whole point. All week long, chatter about protesting NFL players brought up “the troops.” Or the...
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