The Devil’s In the Details For Patriot Prayer

WHAT IS PATRIOT PRAYER AND WHAT CAN IT LEARN FROM SAN FRANCISCO SATANISTS? Portland-based right-wing group Patriot Prayer got into a real shitstorm in San Francisco this week. Sometimes it involved real shit. Two weeks after white supremacists murdered a woman in the...

Black Hole Sun, Won’t You Come?

FLAT EARTHERS PREP FOR TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE THEY SHOULDN’T EVEN BELIEVE IN Tomorrow, the United States will witness a total solar eclipse. And then, presumably, Father Ba’al will use that dark gateway in the sky to cast a spell of doomsday over this...
Satan’s Little Secret

Satan’s Little Secret

“BLACK MASS APPEAL” ASKS: SHOULD WE TELL PEOPLE WE’RE SATANISTS? Last week, Satanic San Francisco launched our new podcast, Black Mass Appeal. Alternative titles we considered: “Satan For The Rest Of Us,” “Are You Afraid Of The...
Doctoring Up Phony Exorcists

Doctoring Up Phony Exorcists

“EXORCIST” DOCTOR RICHARD GALLAGHER’S DEMONS OF MENTAL HEALTH ABUSE The fake exorcists are at it again, and now they have Dr. Richard Gallagher riding shotgun. Last week, CNN profiled this screwball doctor turned exorcist helper. Who is he? “An...