A Washington State Of Play

It sounds shallow to say, “If Matt Shea is against TST Washington they must be doing something right”—but sometimes you catch big fish in the shallow end.

Me, My Satanism, and I

Me, My Satanism, and I

Wouldn’t it be lovely if, in Satan, we found the reality of the idea that everyone should be their true selves that society so often fails to deliver on?

Might Is Wrong

Might Is Wrong

Might is not right; if anything, history has a magnifying effect on how often the mighty are wrong. And “Might is right” is a particularly mystifying—not to mention asinine—slogan for a Satanist.

Satan The Loser

Satan The Loser

Satan is a loser, in that he’s defined by having once lost. This does not make him strong in the traditional, toxic sense. Instead it makes him powerful.