Only Dog Forgives

Only Dog Forgives

Theology and fiction sometimes speculate about whether god will ever redeem Satan. This question ignores the more important fact that that’s our job.

Holy Weak

Holy Weak

The word “holy” means “complete.” But I’m not complete: I’m human. I’m a mess. I’m unholy. And I like it that way.

Hail Satan, Full of Gratis

Hail Satan, Full of Gratis

Some non-Satanists pose: If (most) Satanists don’t believe in the devil, what does “Hail Satan” even mean? The answer is all about you.

The Apathy & The Ecstasy

The Apathy & The Ecstasy

I care about Satanism, but not about everything to do with it. Some topics you couldn’t threaten me into minding. I choose sloth—and that’s empowering.