Death Becomes Her

Death Becomes Her

Blockheaded bishops like to compare Mexican and American folk saint Santa Muerte to Satan, but the truth is much, much worse for them.

Getting YOUR Goat

Getting YOUR Goat

A commenter want to know the true meaning of Baphomet–but this is not a question that has a single authoritative answer, nor do we want one.

Jew Oughta Know By Now

Jew Oughta Know By Now

Most Satanists know that the widely recognized symbol spells “Leviathan” in Hebrew. But why those letters? Why that language?

Lucking Out

Lucking Out

Remember to leave a wishbone on the threshold once a month, as that’s the most effective way to ward off superstition.

Easter Mess: Kosher Devils

Easter Mess: Kosher Devils

Many of the tropes we take for granted about Satanism have roots in anti-Jewish bigotry, although like the appeal of George Burns, they can be hard to place.