Authority Song

Authority Song

Lockdown dilemma: It feels awkward to say “Be skeptical of authority” but also “This time do what you’re told and stay home you worthless drama sponge.”

The Devil’s Calling Card

The Devil’s Calling Card

We think of Satanic principles as sweeping things: revolution; liberty; empowerment! Incremental comforts and managed expectations aren’t as stirring.

Chapter & Versus

Chapter & Versus

For decades the Satanic Bible was the default norm. Even if you didn’t like, it’s like “Leviticus” or the XFL–distasteful, but part of the cultural fabric.

Satan The Loser

Satan The Loser

Satan is a loser, in that he’s defined by having once lost. This does not make him strong in the traditional, toxic sense. Instead it makes him powerful.