Devil May Care

Devil May Care

Since Satan isn’t real, we’ve never much cared whether media depict him as “good” or “evil”; not like he’s going to mind. But that may change.

Hail Satan, Full of Gratis

Hail Satan, Full of Gratis

Some non-Satanists pose: If (most) Satanists don’t believe in the devil, what does “Hail Satan” even mean? The answer is all about you.

The Cows Come Home

The Cows Come Home

If ranchers want to know who’s really behind “cattle mutilations,” fine. The real culprits are quite obvious: It’s not Satanists. It’s the ranchers.

Chapter & Versus

Chapter & Versus

For decades the Satanic Bible was the default norm. Even if you didn’t like, it’s like “Leviticus” or the XFL–distasteful, but part of the cultural fabric.