20th Century Faux

20th Century Faux

Either we have a “ritual abuse” pandemic or the supposed symptoms are hilariously broad and non-specific. I wonder which one it’ll turn out to be?

Clap For “The Wolf Man”

Clap For “The Wolf Man”

In European myth, werewolves were the servants of Satan. Today, media about that myth–like the 1941 classic “The Wolf Man”–can serve Satanic ends too.

The Sometimes Satanic Wisdom of the Peacock

The Sometimes Satanic Wisdom of the Peacock

“Yazidism has no conceptualization of an Evil Principle; indeed, they find the word ‘Satan’ so offensive that a taboo exists against pronouncing it, or even words that resemble it.” Much like the city of Scottsdale.

Walpurgisnacht Notes, 2019

Walpurgisnacht Notes, 2019

Satanic Bay Area convened the coven a couple of days early for Walpurgisnacht 2019, hosting a private Black Mass and party in Oakland at the end of April.