Satan: The Inconvenient Revolutionary

Satan: The Inconvenient Revolutionary

Satan is the ultimate American “founding father”: a soldier, a revolutionary, a leader, a philosopher, a radical, a reformer, and a patron of equal rights in American for a century before anyone else.

Double, Double (Run Reverse), Toil and Trouble

Double, Double (Run Reverse), Toil and Trouble

TAKE A KNEE: THE NFL’s SATANIC AMERICAN EXAMPLE You don’t need anybody’s approval to take a knee during the national anthem. That’s the whole point. All week long, chatter about protesting NFL players brought up “the troops.” Or the...
The Devil’s In the Details For Patriot Prayer

The Devil’s In the Details For Patriot Prayer

WHAT IS PATRIOT PRAYER AND WHAT CAN IT LEARN FROM SAN FRANCISCO SATANISTS? Portland-based right-wing group Patriot Prayer got into a real shitstorm in San Francisco this week. Sometimes it involved real shit. Two weeks after white supremacists murdered a woman in the...
Christian Hate Group Says Satan Ruined Black Lives Matter

Christian Hate Group Says Satan Ruined Black Lives Matter

BLACK LIVES MATTER (BUT NOT ENOUGH TO PLEASE SOME GODS) The American Family Association is a Christian hate group, but they mostly reserve their hate for gay and trans people. What could they possibly have against Black Lives Matter? The usual: Satan. AFA blogger...