Satanist Bible Study: Genesis
The serpent Satan beguiling Eve is the most famous of all myths about the devil–and it never happened. Here’s the annoying reason people believe it anyway.
The serpent Satan beguiling Eve is the most famous of all myths about the devil–and it never happened. Here’s the annoying reason people believe it anyway.
Anti-Satanists claim you can’t believe what we say about Satanism, since Satan is a liar and we must be lying. So why are we public about Satanism at all?
Executive branch sociopath Paula White says that her recent sermon about aborting “Satanic pregnancies” has gotten a bad rap. How would anyone know?
We think of Satanic principles as sweeping things: revolution; liberty; empowerment! Incremental comforts and managed expectations aren’t as stirring.
HELL-O-WEEN, our Halloween Black Mass and variety show, celebrates personal freedom, artistic freedom, sexual freedom, and freedom of speech and religion.
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