Milking Milk Carton Kids
That Lauren Boebert is wrong isn’t news, as Boebert is wrong about almost everything. The story is why her crank constituency believe her.
That Lauren Boebert is wrong isn’t news, as Boebert is wrong about almost everything. The story is why her crank constituency believe her.
Remember to leave a wishbone on the threshold once a month, as that’s the most effective way to ward off superstition.
Durkheim said, “Religion is society worshiping itself.” Which if true means Satanism is not the religion of self-worship. That’s every religion.
Through stories like the Satan myth, we can confront our own falliblity. If we don’t, then we condemn ourselves to the one true Hell: denialism.
Empathy is a Satanic value, but it can take a lot out of you in the long run. In a way, you could call it a kind of Satanic sacrifice.
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