Food For Thought

Food For Thought

Thanksgiving is a strange expedition in our culture: Is it about genocide, New England cuisine, or political tensions in your family? That’s a lot of range.

Service With a Trial

Service With a Trial

Satanist circles generally credit the phrase “non serviam” to Lucifer. But actually it’s the people who opted for freedom over servitude.

The Unfriendly Skies

The Unfriendly Skies

Satanist Swati Runi Goyal’s shirt didn’t really offend an American Airlines crew. Goyal is what they don’t like, and the shirt is just what tipped them off.

The Sessions Rule: “God” Counts Double

The Sessions Rule: “God” Counts Double

JEFF SESSIONS MEMO SAYS: “GOD” MATTERS MORE THAN YOUR RIGHTS On Friday, a Jeff Sessions memo ordered the federal government to find god. And then to go ahead and find everyone’s basic rights too, but only if there’s time. You may remember that...