Bapho-met Gala

Bapho-met Gala

Despite providing the Daily Baphirmation for going on two years, I don’t actually like or trust positivity that much. Seems like a scam.

Milking Milk Carton Kids

Milking Milk Carton Kids

That Lauren Boebert is wrong isn’t news, as Boebert is wrong about almost everything. The story is why her crank constituency believe her.

Mounting Dis-Ease

Mounting Dis-Ease

Most of our Bay Area Satanists don’t need to hear this. Most of you would get the vaccine this second even if it meant biting into a cactus like an apple.

The Letter of the Law

The Letter of the Law

Twitter flacks vowed, “We will permanently suspend accounts tweeting about #Qanon. Couple things: One, no they won’t. Two, what exactly took this long?

Research & Destroy

Research & Destroy

Tell someone “do their own research” on Satanism and Google will have them thinking Freemasons use chemtrails to activate cannibalism genes in Girl Scouts.