Milking Milk Carton Kids

Milking Milk Carton Kids

That Lauren Boebert is wrong isn’t news, as Boebert is wrong about almost everything. The story is why her crank constituency believe her.

I’m a Satanist, Not a God

I’m a Satanist, Not a God

Durkheim said, “Religion is society worshiping itself.” Which if true means Satanism is not the religion of self-worship. That’s every religion.

The Cows Come Home

The Cows Come Home

If ranchers want to know who’s really behind “cattle mutilations,” fine. The real culprits are quite obvious: It’s not Satanists. It’s the ranchers.

The Letter of the Law

The Letter of the Law

Twitter flacks vowed, “We will permanently suspend accounts tweeting about #Qanon. Couple things: One, no they won’t. Two, what exactly took this long?