Saud-omy & Satanic Wrestling

Saud-omy & Satanic Wrestling

Saudi Arabia’s murderous theocracy took pains recently to drive Lilith out of their kingdom–in the unlikely form of Satanic professional wrestler Aleister Black.

The Sessions Rule: “God” Counts Double

The Sessions Rule: “God” Counts Double

JEFF SESSIONS MEMO SAYS: “GOD” MATTERS MORE THAN YOUR RIGHTS On Friday, a Jeff Sessions memo ordered the federal government to find god. And then to go ahead and find everyone’s basic rights too, but only if there’s time. You may remember that...
Trump’s Religious Liberty Witchcraft

Trump’s Religious Liberty Witchcraft

NEW TRUMP EXECUTIVE ORDER COURTS RELIGIOUS EXTREMISTS WITH “MAGIC” Alleged President of the United States Donald Trump signed another trademark Trump executive order Thursday. This one lets religious groups get political…sort of. Actually, near as I...
Texas’ Fetal Mass Grave Law Way Scarier Than Satan

Texas’ Fetal Mass Grave Law Way Scarier Than Satan

WE ARE AGAINST FETAL MASS GRAVES FOR JESUS You could have bet me almost anything that Texas’ proposed fetal burial law couldn’t get any creepier. Even just the phrase “fetal burial law” already pushes a red line I didn’t even know was...