Illuminati Confirmed? Not Really

Illuminati Confirmed? Not Really

THE “ILLUMINATI”: A SECULAR SATAN FOR IRRELIGIOUS NUTS Google the word “Illuminati” and you’ll get 16 million results. By comparison, “al Qaeda” returns a tenth of that. By rights, al Qaeda really should have a leg up in interest. It has the advantage of...
Black Hole Sun, Won’t You Come?

Black Hole Sun, Won’t You Come?

FLAT EARTHERS PREP FOR TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE THEY SHOULDN’T EVEN BELIEVE IN Tomorrow, the United States will witness a total solar eclipse. And then, presumably, Father Ba’al will use that dark gateway in the sky to cast a spell of doomsday over this...
No Such Thing As “Too Crazy” In Trump’s America

No Such Thing As “Too Crazy” In Trump’s America

PIZZAGATE, SATANIC PANIC, AND THE NEW POLITICAL CAPITAL OF CRAZY I used to think the Satanic Panic was ancient history and conspiracy theories were funny. Then came 2016, Pizzagate, and Trump, and now nothing’s funny anymore. When I talk about religious zealots,...