Half Brains For Halftime

Half Brains For Halftime

Why do people believe these obviously wrong things? Many of them are stupid or sincerely troubled, but so are lots of people who never fuck up this bad.

Content Warning: Catholicism

Content Warning: Catholicism

In a book with the amazingly tone-deaf title “Letter To a Suffering Church,” Bishop Robert Barron insists that Catholic molestations must be the work of the devil.

Doctoring Up Phony Exorcists

Doctoring Up Phony Exorcists

“EXORCIST” DOCTOR RICHARD GALLAGHER’S DEMONS OF MENTAL HEALTH ABUSE The fake exorcists are at it again, and now they have Dr. Richard Gallagher riding shotgun. Last week, CNN profiled this screwball doctor turned exorcist helper. Who is he? “An...
Don’t Deliver Us From Evil

Don’t Deliver Us From Evil

FRIAR COVERS FOR PEDOPHILE PRIESTS, CALLS TST CHILD MOLESTERS What’s a bigger danger to kids: pedophiles, or the devil? It shouldn’t be a difficult question, but some apparently disagree. Friar Dwight Longenecker is an apostate Anglican turned Catholic...