Lucking Out

Lucking Out

Remember to leave a wishbone on the threshold once a month, as that’s the most effective way to ward off superstition.

I’m a Satanist, Not a God

I’m a Satanist, Not a God

Durkheim said, “Religion is society worshiping itself.” Which if true means Satanism is not the religion of self-worship. That’s every religion.

When “god” Loses Too

When “god” Loses Too

Through stories like the Satan myth, we can confront our own falliblity. If we don’t, then we condemn ourselves to the one true Hell: denialism.

When “God” Was Just a Dick To Job

When “God” Was Just a Dick To Job

SATANIST BIBLE STUDY: JOB’S PROBLEM OF EVIL PROBLEM People who spend a lot of time thinking about god have to worry about what they call the “Problem Of Evil.” Rarely realizing that it’s only a problem for them. The Problem of Evil is simple:...