Our Satanic Presidential Roast

Our Satanic Presidential Roast

SIX REASONS WE’RE BURNING DONALD TRUMP In a few days, we’re gathering in a mildly top secret Bay Area location to burn Donald Trump in effigy. February 1 is Imbolc Night, a date for pagan fire festivals. And it borders on Candlemas, which conspiracy assholes...
Satan Says the Earth Is Round

Satan Says the Earth Is Round

WHAT HAPPENS WHEN FLAT EARTHERS MEET SATAN, AND WHY WE’RE HAPPY ABOUT IT The Flat Earth Society is enjoying a renaissance these days, despite their noted hostility to any form of enlightenment. And yet, it turns out that even people who believe Satan is real and...
Satan: The Best Doctor You Ever Had

Satan: The Best Doctor You Ever Had

MODERN MEDICINE: BECAUSE EVERYONE NEEDS A LITTLE SATANISM IN THEIR LIVES Is anesthesia a tool of Satanist medicine? Depends how many centuries you wait for a second opinion. Although the discovery of basic painkillers and sedatives only barely postdates the swallowing...